Our work.



Unmanned does not have to be unhuman. We helped retail-technology brand Wundermart show its human face. A partnership that involved re-defining the brand’s story, sharpening the visual identity and grounding all this in inspirational guidelines. Do get in touch if you’re looking for ways to future-proof the strategy and identity of your brand.



Every detail counts in professional foodservice. And it is the dedication to, and care for, these details that turns everyday food into culinary master pieces. We took this notion and applied it to the design of a range of specialty products targeted at bakers. When it is time to re-fresh your brand or design to keep track of the rapidly changing world around us, feel free to connect.

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Time equals margin in a chef’s kitchen, so finding ways to save on the effort of preparation directly increases the profit of restaurants. We created a strong visual concept, name and design for a culinary innovation that brings more convenience and inspiration to food professionals. Happy to have a chat about creatively disrupting the status quo to help your brand innovate in a relevant way.



A series of portraits of life behind the kitchen door. Part of a strategy that was developed to unlock the branding potential of a team of foodservice professionals. We created a narrative, umbrella proposition and visual identity that will provide a halo for this team and their global portfolio of brands. If your corporate needs to become, well, a little less corporate, than do let me know.